I have spent over 40 years creating – from magician’s assistant (being placed in a cardboard box and having 18 swords thrust through it – I will never tell!) to actress, playwright, community dramatist, theatre director, screenwriter, film-maker, special needs teacher, drama teacher, prison worker, charity worker, speaker, mother of two, now grandmother of four.
Why create? It is my life-blood, my DNA, I always want to make something beautiful, something alive, something that communicates. When I finish a piece I have to deal with my disappointment. I think next time I can do better. Next time I hope it will be more beautiful.
I was born in Westminster and having lived in Kent, Surrey, Bradford, Yorkshire and Cobham, Surrey have loved returning to London with husband Steve over fifteen years ago. I LOVE LONDON – what a great city.
I am a life-lover, laugh-lover, people-lover, God-lover and dreamer. My friends are really important to me and are generally way cheaper than therapy.
I have to say a thousand thanks to my lovely friend Chris for the website. You may use anything for non-commercial purposes, however if for commercial usage then please contact me for permission.
Time to Live: The Beginner’s Guide to Saying Goodbye continues to sell well and is available from Amazon https://www.amazon.co.uk and other major bookstores as well as direct from the publisher https://instantapostle.com/
My involvement with the Chaiya Art Awards continues. The second exhibition, April 2020 was postponed to April 2021. The third, Easter 2023 grew exponentially and included the gallery@Oxo plus The Bargehouse, its five floors giving us acres of space for the 120 exhibits on the theme of AWE & WONDER. There are now three books – Where is God in our 21st Century World; God is…; Awe & Wonder.
The last two titles are still available. Do email: info@chaiyaartawards.co.uk or contact our publisher Instant Apostle.
Hello Ann!
I just read your speech, thank you I really liked it. Especially the part “Whom do we touch?”
Greetings from Vienna, Markus
Hello Markus
Good to hear from you. Thank you for reading and your comments.